
Životy pozastaveny: Profily a záměry uprchlíků z Ukrajiny 2

Dne 23. 9. 2022 byl zveřejněn další průzkum organizace UNHCR Lives on Hold: Profiles and Intentions of Refugees from Ukraine #2. Toto šetření v rámci České republiky bylo opět realizováno společností SocioFactor.

Během  srpna  se  nám  podařilo  oslovit  a  získat  data od 721 ukrajinských uprchlíků napříč Českou republikou. Celý průzkum byl postaven  na  sběru  dat  v  období  srpna  až  září  2022  s  uprchlíky  z  Ukrajiny  v  jednotlivých  zemích  (Belgie, Česká republika, Nemecko, Polsko, Slovensko, Itálie, Moldávie, Rumumsko, Španělsko a další). Celkem tedy bylo sesbíráno více než 4.800 vyplněných dotazníků.

We are grateful for the extensive involvement and support of UNHCR’s partners, local authorities, civil society, international organizations, refugee volunteers and donors. Most importantly, UNHCR would like to acknowledge the resilience and strength of refugees from Ukraine, who continue to share with us the challenges they face, their fears and hopes and directly contribute to promoting and supporting data collection activities.“ citujeme z úvodu dokumentu Lives on Hold: Profiles and Intentions of Refugees from Ukraine #2.


Lives on Hold: Profiles and Intentions of Refugees from Ukraine #2

On the 23th of August, results of UNHCR survey Lives on Hold: Profiles and Intentions of Refugees from Ukraine #2, were published. These results extend the knowledge about refugees‘ intentions described based on previous survey done in spring this year, on which this survey followed up. In the Czech Republic, the data collection was again managed by SocioFactor.

During August we were successful to approach 721 of ukrainian refugees across the Czech Republic and obtained data from them. Entire survey was constructed on data collection amongst ukrainian refugess in multiple countries (Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Italy, Moldova, Romania, Spain and others), while the data were collecting during August and September. Overall there were obtained more than 4.800 filled questioniaries.

„We are grateful for the extensive involvement and support of UNHCR’s partners, local authorities, civil society, international organizations, refugee volunteers and donors. Most importantly, UNHCR would like to acknowledge the resilience and strength of refugees from Ukraine, who continue to share with us the challenges they face, their fears and hopes and directly contribute to promoting and supporting data collection activities.“  below, we cite from introduction of released document:  Lives on Hold: Profiles and Intentions of Refugees from Ukraine #2.

Kategorie: Výzkum
Vydáno: 07.10.2022 - 13:55